

9 Nov 2022

General information

Today let's look at the signal provider FX MIND BUILDERS. The provider is based only on Telegram. The provider offers paid signals and PAMM services. The provider does not have a website, including social networks. Let's look at the provider in more detail.


The main source of signals is the telegram channel. It has 1,491 subscribers. The average number of views is 63. The audience engagement is on a very low level and equals 4.20%.

If you look at the number of growth of subscribers, you will see a sharp jump upwards. The number of subscribers grew from 500 to 3,000 people, that is a growth of about +500% in a very short period of time. This suggests that it is highly likely that the provider has cheat subscribers on his channel.   


Let's analyze one of the latest signals from the provider's telegram channel. The signal was to buy GBPCHF asset at the price of 1.2057. Stop loss at 1.1997, take profit at 1.2087, second take profit at 1.2117, third take profit at 1.2177. After opening the trade the price fluctuated for some time, but then went up and the trade was closed according to the forecast TP1 and TP2.   

Another example. The signal was to buy the asset EURJPY at 135.90. Stop loss was at 135.10. The first take profit was at 136.20, the second at 136.60 and the third at 137.50. Risk to profit ratio is pretty good. After opening the trade the price followed the forecast at once and the trade closed on profit.


There are no reviews on large third-party platforms about this signal provider, including in the provider's telegram channel.


FX MIND BUILDERS is a completely anonymous provider. No social networks or website to find information about provider.  
There are a lot of screenshots of successful trades from the VIP group on the public telegram channel. These provided screenshots of results from the vip group of course will not prove that the results are verified. You have to buy a subscription to see the real results, which is something every trader should know before using the provider's services.  
It is worth mentioning that the last signal on the public channel was in May 2022. And the last post was in July. After that, the channel is no longer functioning, the channel is dead.