
420Fx review

8 Jan 2024

General information

Let's take look at signal provider by the unusual name 420Fx. The provider is available in almost all social networks, although there is no website. So there's a chance to get to know it better.

Social network

420Fx has an Instagram account with more than 12.5 thousand people subscribed to it. The main channel publishes currency pairs analysis and memes. The provider is active here. But if you look at the audience engagement, it is very low. It's about 0.32%. Where are so many subscribers coming from if the ER is so low?


They also have a facebook page with about 165 followers. They're just duplicating Instagram posts here.


All analyses come from two profiles with TradingView. One is empty as there are no posts.


 But on the other profile there were publications but the last post was more than 3 years ago.


The main source of provider's signals is the telegram channel. There are only 717 people subscribed to it. The average number of views is 208. The audience engagement is at a high level and is equal to 29.01%.

If we look at the number of subscribers, we see that it's been dropping steadily since January 2023.

On their telegram channel provider, they offer the services of going through challenges at prop firms. For services they ask from 550$ to $1700.


There are signals from the VIP group on the public Telegram channel, but these signals were published late, which makes it difficult to analyze the provider's capabilities on the markets. But they publish a chart with analysis.  



There are no reviews on third-party Internet platforms on this provider, including on the Telegram channel. There are reviews on instagram channel.



420fx on the Telegram channel has no signals as such. Almost all signals are from the premium group, thus significantly complicating the perception of signals. The provider is active in social networks.  But there are no reviews. The results of trades from the premium group are actively posted on the Telegram channel, but there are no profiles in myfxbook.